2023 AutoVision China Awards Ceremony Held at the Munich International Motor Show

On September 5, 2023, the 2023 International Motor Show (Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung, IAA) opened in Munich, Germany. On the opening day, BYD, GAC, Xpeng, and Lixiang won the 2023 AutoVision China Annual Brand Award at the global conference, and Volvo Cars won the Overall Award. This marks the first time Chinese automotive brands have received this prestigious award, signifying a crucial step in their integration into the international market.

AutoVision China, established in China in 2021, has successfully organized two editions. The 2023 AutoVision China Annual Brand Award is the highest honor bestowed by AutoVision. The judging committee, consisting of automotive brand experts from around the world, comprehensively evaluates annual production and sales, international marketing, brand awareness, innovation in environmental protection, and social responsibility. It is the most comprehensive award for brand growth and innovation this year.

At the AutoVision Awards Weibo Night international exchange event held after the award ceremony, experts, scholars, award-winning representatives, and guests from around the world gathered to discuss the future of innovative green mobility. Mr. Li Zhenjing, Economic Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Germany, and Mr. Xu Yaojun, Director of the China International Investment Promotion Center in Germany, attended the event.

Heckmann, Manager of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) - IAA Mobility, pointed out that the automotive industry is facing an unprecedented transformation, and no one can go it alone. The transformation requires the support of society as a whole, and only through joint efforts can we find ways to make mobility more efficient, safe, rapid, and environmentally friendly. Through innovation, the industry has shown a strong confidence in rapidly and safely achieving digitization and sustainability in mobile travel, demonstrating a firm determination to successfully transform the industry.

Alexander, the Global Chairman and Founder of AutoVision Awards, said, "We are a global platform for showcasing, exchanging, and innovating in the automotive industry, hoping to provide the best services for future mobility."

Shi Jianhua, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Electric Vehicle 100 Forum, pointed out that Chinese cars need to build an international brand image. It is necessary to make good use of valuable international communication and evaluation platforms to help Chinese automotive brands go global and enhance the global competitiveness of the Chinese automotive industry in the new era.

Liu Yan, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, stated that from this Munich Motor Show, it is evident that Chinese automotive companies are accelerating their globalization process. True globalization involves not only exporting products and technology but also exporting brands and culture. "Internationalized marketing" is a key task for outbound enterprises in brand building. AutoVision China has built a showcase platform for the world to understand Chinese brands, helping Chinese cars "go global" more effectively.

Chen Yao, Chief Editor of Sina Auto, said in her speech that China's automotive industry is rapidly aligning with the world, and the Chinese automotive market continues to maintain strong growth momentum. The main driving force behind the development of the Chinese automotive industry comes from the diligence and innovation spirit of Chinese automotive professionals, as well as the quality of being pioneers in exploration and daring to lead. It also benefits from Chinese automotive brands being adept at seizing the dividends of the times, fully utilizing social platforms to understand user needs and promoting industry development.

AutoVision Awards, established in 1993, is the only international award for automotive creative visual design set up at the Munich Motor Show (formerly Frankfurt). Since its inception, it has received support and participation from the German Association of the Automotive Industry and holds award ceremonies during each IAA Motor Show. It has a strong influence and brand certification communication value in the global automotive field, hailed as the "Oscar" of the automotive industry.